Spring Cleaning 101


Spring is a time of renewal, a time for fresh starts, and a time to finally knock out all that cleaning you've been putting off for a year now. But where to start? And what all needs to be included? There are a lot of spring cleaning checklists out there, but how do you know which one is right for you?

I'm not here to provide you with a checklist for spring cleaning. Like I said above, there are a lot already out there. I'm here to provide you with some tips and tricks to make spring cleaning work for you.

Set Realistic Goals

How much time do you have to dedicate to spring cleaning? If spring is your busy time, it's probably best that you don't plan a huge project that entails moving all your furniture to deep soak your carpet and sorting through every last object you own. Realistically, you don't have the time for that. 

So, sit down and figure out how much free time you have, and how much of it you want to set aside solely for cleaning. And schedule that time. If it's not on your schedule, it's likely not going to happen. Once you have that time scheduled, you can then figure out what all you can realistically accomplish without over-extending yourself.


Even with setting realistic goals, sometimes things end up taking more time than you had expected. You need to come to terms with the fact that that is a possibility and be willing to let some of your lesser priorities wait, if you end up running out of time.

I recommend dividing your spring cleaning tasks into 4 categories: Must Accomplish, Should Accomplish, Would Like to Accomplish, and If I Have Time. The first three categories will be the things you actually put on your schedule, but if your Must Accomplish items end up taking more time, you might have to cross off some of your Would Like to Accomplish items. Alternatively, if you end up speeding through your list, you can start knocking off your If I Have Time items.

Think About History

When trying to figure out how to prioritize your tasks, think about the cleaning that you've done over the past few years. What has it been the longest since you last cleaned? What task do you keep skipping over? Those items should probably at least go on your Should Accomplish list, if not your Must Accomplish list. So, when you're feeling overwhelmed by all the things you feel you have to get done, use this approach to narrow it down.

Start Small

Obviously, you want to start with your Must Accomplish list and work your way down the priority lists from there, but sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees and you have to take a step back. When you're feeling overwhelmed with a project, clear out the small things first. Cleaning out your office? Start with the smallest accumulation of clutter and knock that out first. Once you've accomplished that, the rush of satisfaction you'll feel will help you to power through the rest of the room.

Celebrate What You Accomplish

No matter how many items you manage to knock off your spring cleaning list, you made progress, and that's something to celebrate! So take a deep breath, pour yourself a drink, and admire your hard work. Great job!


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