My Morning Routine


Want to increase your chances of having a good day? Have a morning routine. It's a proven fact that how you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, and while a good morning routine doesn't guarantee that nothing will go wrong, it at least gives your mood a boost so that you're not taken down as much if something unpleasant does occur.

So, what makes a good morning routine? That answer will vary person to person, but there are definitely a few things that should always be included.

  • Don't snooze your alarm. I know, I hate this one, too, but 15 minutes more of sleep really doesn't help you any and it's just that much less time you have to get your bearings in the morning. Instead, try going to bed earlier, and sit up (or stand up) the second your alarm starts going off in the morning. Trust me, it may suck in the moment, but you'll fell better in the long run.
  • Reflect. Take a second to reflect on the day. This is one of those things that will look different for everybody, but should definitely be included in some form. Maybe it's naming something you're thankful for, something you love about yourself, or listing your goals for the day. Whatever it is that gets you in a good headspace, do it.
  • Get moving. I like to work out in the morning to wake myself up, but that's not for everyone. If morning workouts aren't your thing, do some stretches or get moving by cleaning a part of your house. Just do something that gets your blood pumping.
  • Wash your face. Maybe you prefer to shower at night, and that's okay, but at least wash yesterday off your face so that you can start fresh.
  • Eat breakfast. Now, this one I know you've heard a million times, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It doesn't have to be anything huge - I know I'm not a big breakfast eater - just get something on your stomach. And if you take any medicine or vitamins, this is when you want to do that, too.

If you do these 5 things every morning, you will be setting yourself up for success in your day. You will have more energy, be more focused, and be in an all-around better mood. 

For a more fleshed out example of a morning routine, here's what my mornings look like:

  • I always start the day by reading a couple chapters in the Bible. It helps me to center my thoughts on God and have the right perspective to start the day.
  • I write down my 5 goals for the day. Not errands or things on my to-do list, but the things that really matter. I want to tell my husband I love him, call my mom, talk to a friend, that kind of thing.
  • I make myself a breakfast shake because I don't have a huge appetite around breakfast time, and I drink that and take my vitamins.
  • I fill up my 60 oz. water bottle and work out. I'll either walk on the elliptical for the duration of an episode of Clone Wars or do a 45 minute session of Refit.
  • Then I start getting ready - shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed, and do my makeup.

All in all, my morning routine takes about an hour and a half to complete, and that's largely because I spend 30 - 45 minutes working out. Your morning routine definitely does not have to be that long; that's just what works for me.

Share with me in the comments, what's one thing I didn't list here that is essential for you to start the day off right?


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