Beautiful Experiences

Did you know that one of the #1 regrets people have later in life is that they didn't travel more when they were young enough to enjoy it? Of course, people of any age can travel, but when you're young and able, you're just able to experience more things. 

So, today I want to talk about bucket lists. I'm sure that at one point in your life you've said something along the lines of "That's on my bucket list," but do you actually have a bucket list? I feel like it's become more of an expression than an actual list that people have, and I want to challenge you to change that. Because otherwise, you may not remember the things you want to do in time to do them, but you will definitely remember in time to regret not doing them.

Here are some ideas for starting a bucket list:

  • Visit at least one place of importance to your family. This could be where one of your parents or grandparents grew up, or somewhere they visited when they were younger. It is a great way to feel connected to that family member and understand just a little more about their life. 
  • Visit at least one location of historical/cultural significance. This should be somewhere that makes you feel something, like Ground Zero, for example. It may not be the kind of fun experience you feel should be on a bucket list, but you will be a better person for it.
  • Visit a local getaway. This doesn't have to be anything special; it's basically just an excuse to treat yourself to an affordable weekend away at a local place you otherwise may not have explored.
  • Visit another country. Or multiple. But you should at least experience one foreign country in your lifetime.
  • Visit one of the 7 Wonders of the World. You could knock two off the list with this and visiting another country, but why wouldn't you want an excuse for another trip?
  • Do something daring; something you've always wanted to try, but have been too afraid to. It could be something as thrilling as sky diving, or simply an adventurous excursion into a rain forest. You choose your level of daring.

There are obviously many more things that can go into a bucket list, and all of the above could include multiple items on the list. The point is, make a list. Do now, so that you don't regret later. And remember, you can buy stuff at any point in your life, but your opportunities to travel are more limited.

If you're ready to get traveling and don't know where to start, head over to my Facebook page I am a certified travel agent and would be happy to help you with booking your next (or first!) trip.


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