A Letter to My Younger Self

I've learned a lot in my 26 years of life, and I have definitely changed a lot over the years. Recently, I've come across the question of if I could tell my younger self anything, what would it be? I'm not claiming to be incredibly wise, but nevertheless, I thought I would document my advice to my younger self here, so that maybe someone else can benefit from what I've learned.

Dear Breanna,

Stay true to yourself. Your value comes from within, not from anyone else's perception of you. It doesn't matter if you say the wrong thing, keep talking. It doesn't matter if people don't want to listen, find someone who does. Be loud, be bold, and if anyone has a problem with that, you don't need them in your life. And I do mean anyone. It may be sad to say goodbye, but for every false friend you lose, you'll gain 5 true friends.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel lesser. Don't change your thoughts and feelings to fit what someone else thinks they should be. You have your own voice. Let it be heard. No one's 'friendship' is worth questioning yourself over. That means you will lose people, and it will be sad. But in the long run, you'll be happier for it. It may not seem like it at the time, but I promise you will find those true friends. And once you do, you'll see just how unhealthy those other relationships were.

Follow your dreams. Don't let your anxiety and fear hold you back. Letting the fear rule over you might help keep you safe, but it will be at the cost of your joy. So, put yourself out there. Post on social media without caring what people might think. Take risks. Follow the career path you want, not the one you think will be less stressful.

Lastly, love yourself. Love your passion. Love your brain. Love your determination, your compassion, your quirks. Love your body, even if it doesn't look how you want. Love the person that God made you to be. And when you love yourself, when you show compassion for yourself, you'll naturally better yourself. But you need to love yourself first. And surround yourself with and lean on those who love you too.

Remember these things when you're at your lowest. And know that when things seem like nothing but darkness, when it seems like it'll never get better, it does get better. Don't cower in the darkness; seek the light, and you will get through it. You are stronger than you realize. And what's on the other side is always worth fighting for.

With love,



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